Quantum Cyber Security

Channeling the power and potential of quantum computing to generate verifiably random data, providing unpredictable results.

The ultimate in security.

The world’s data is currently protected by public key encryption algorithms such as RSA, Elliptic Curve and ElGamal.

These algorithms revolutionized information security and have served the world well, enabling digital commerce, secure communications and remote access to financial services.

However, as Quantum Computing technology advances, so does the need for ever more complex and secure encryption protocols.

Quantum Security

Quantum-Derived Cryptographic Keys

Defense for a Rapidly Changing Threat Landscape

Suretech Company Limited has several security products currently being beta tested and incorporated into several major international companies and government security systems.

Our industry-defining, cryptographic key generation platform that employs quantum computers to generate quantum-enhanced cryptographic keys is at the cutting edge of the quantum security technology and at the pinnacle of current quantum security protocols.

Using the Suretech platform, both classical algorithms and post-quantum algorithms can provide cryptographic keys that offer superior protection against even the most powerful computers being utilized by nefarious entities.

To join our growing team of affiliate members and partners who use Suretech’s proprietary algorithms, download our brochure now and learn more.   



Quantum Security

Originating Truly Random Keys

Every year, more than 7.9 billion data records are stolen or exposed by hackers.

For public companies, the cost of a data breach is often more than 100 million dollars.

Nation-states are routinely involved in sophisticated attacks, and companies have found themselves under attack, as a route through to another valuable target.

The foundations of data security are the cryptographic keys that encrypt the most sensitive information, and randomness is at the heart of key generation. The goal is to make keys completely unguessable by an attacker.

Today’s key generation relies on randomness generation that is not truly random. Researchers have uncovered nearly half a million certificates in active use that are completely broken due to poor randomness. 

Download our Whitepaper to learn more about this...



Our Partners - Click on our partners logos to see their latest Quantum Computing news

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
Group Holdings Ltd.




"The human civilization can not exist and develop without the protection of privacy."

Jian-Wei Pan

Suretech Company Limited

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We want to hear from you if you are in the Quantum space or have existing security needs that you feel can be addressed by adopting quantum security protocols.

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www.quantum-cybersec.com is wholly owned and operated by Suretech Company Limited - CR# 3130703 out of Hong Kong. Suretech Company Limited and its partners and affiliates deem all information held within this website as accurate at time of release.